Tired of wrestling with Cardano transaction errors? CQUISITOR is your new secret weapon.
Imagine a world where debugging Cardano transactions is no longer a time-sink, but a streamlined process. That’s the power of CQUISITOR, a cutting-edge web application built with Rust and JavaScript.
Here’s how CQUISITOR accelerates your development:
- Effortless Validation: Input your transaction CBOR and instantly verify its validity at both Layer 1 and Layer 2. No more guesswork or tedious manual checks.
- Crystal-Clear Visualization: See the structure of your transaction laid out in an intuitive visual format. Identify errors and bottlenecks at a glance.
- Built by Experts: CQUISITOR is the brainchild of Evgenii Lisitskii, a core contributor to the cardano-serialization-lib (CSL). He understands the challenges Cardano developers face and has poured his expertise into this solution.
Even better? CQUISITOR is joining forces with Mesh! This open-source collaboration will supercharge the Mesh Devtools with robust Rust-based validation modules, further simplifying your workflow and freeing you to focus on building groundbreaking solutions.
Say goodbye to frustrating debugging and hello to accelerated development.
- CQUISITOR repo: https://github.com/cardananium/cquisitor
- CQUISITOR proof-of-concept version: https://cardananium.github.io/cquisitor/
- F13 Catalyst proposal: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/131631